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    Become a member and receive 10% off your first purchase

    Strand+ is our loyalty program, designed to make life’s travels even richer for members.

    Join for free, and get great rewards including:


    How It Works

    We’ll keep track of how much you spend with STRAND, whether it’s in store or online.

    You’ll earn a $10 voucher for the first $50, and a $5 voucher for every $50 spent after that.

    Twice a year, we’ll add up the total amount you’ve spent in the last 6 months, and send you your voucher via email. You can redeem vouchers in store or online.

    A few things to note: purchases made using gift vouchers don’t count towards your total spend, and any refunds will be deducted from you total.

    You can earn up to $300 in vouchers each six months, and you can spend them in store or online.

    How do I become a member?

    It’s easy – all you need is a valid email address. Just drop into any store to join, or click the button below.

    To make the most of the program, remember to present your membership card or give staff members your email address when you shop in store – and log into your account when shopping online. Keep your contact details up to date – and keep an eye on your inbox for discounts, exclusive offers and more.

    View the Loyalty Terms and Conditions
    View Loyalty FAQs