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    Loyalty Terms & Conditions

    Strand+ is the loyalty program that Strand runs for its customers. 

    Member (or you or your)means a person who has been allocated a Strand+ Loyalty Membership Number, who has activated their account, and whose membership of the Program has not been terminated.Membership has a corresponding meaning. 

    Online store (or website) means our webstores in both Australia ( and New Zealand ( 

    Terms and Conditions means the terms and conditions governing Strand+, which are set out below, as varied or supplemented by Strand from time to time. 

    When we refer to Strand (or we or us) in theseTerms and Conditions means Strandbags Group Pty Limited (ABN 52 002 696 915). 


    By joining Strand+ you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. 


    3.1. Only Strand+ Members are able to enjoy the benefits of the Strand Loyalty Program. 

    3.2 Strand Team Members are not eligible to join Strand+. 

    3.3. To become a Member, you need to provide us with a unique and valid email address. If any of these details change, you are responsible for letting us know so we can make sure you continue receiving your loyalty benefits. 

    3.4. To become a Strand+ member in Australia, you need to be an Australian resident and all Strand+ rewards will be issued to you in Australian Dollars. When we refer to our online store, or website in these terms and conditions, for our Australian members we mean 

    3.5. To become a Strand+ member in New Zealand, you need to be a New Zealand resident and all Strand+ rewards will be issued to you in New Zealand Dollars. When we refer to our online store, or website in these terms and conditions, for our New Zealand members we mean 

    3.6. You can sign-up for Membership in one of our stores or on our website. After you do that, we will send you an email with information on your Membership, and other important information, including these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. 

    3.7. If you sign-up for Membership in-store you will be issued with a Strand+ Loyalty Card (Loyalty Card) along with a unique Loyalty Membership Number (Loyalty Membership Number). If you sign-up online, you will be issued with a Loyalty Card Number, although you will not receive a physical Loyalty Card unless you request one. You do not need a Strand+ card for your membership. 

    3.8. Your Loyalty Card and Loyalty Membership Number are for your personal use only and are not transferrable, and it is your responsibility to keep them safe. Your Loyalty Card (if you have one) remains the property of Strand, and we are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cards. 

    3.9. To be eligible for benefits under Strand+, you need to tell us you are a Strand+ member when making a purchase. You can do this in store by providing your Card (if you have one) or asking one of our team members to retrieve your details. If you ask a team member to retrieve your details, they may need to ask you to provide other personal details to confirm your identity. If you are shopping online, you will need to log into your account using your email address and password. 

    3.10. If your email address becomes invalid or for any other reason we are not able to contact you at your email address, we may terminate (or de-activate) your Membership. If this happens you will immediately cease being a Member, but you will still be able to redeem (in the normal course) any accrued benefits earned before your Membership terminated. 


    4. BENEFITS 

    4.1 As a Strand+ member, you get access to the following benefits, including: 



    Electronic receipts stored on your Strand+ account and receipt free warranties 

    When you buy something with your Strand+ account, we'll store the purchase history for at least five years. This allows us to honour warranties even if you don't have your receipt. 

    Member pricing 

    You will have access to exclusive member discounting on selected products 

    Reward points 

    You will earn points for eligible purchases and receive loyalty vouchers to spend in store or online. See section 4 for more information 

    Member communications 

    You'll get special messages exclusively for you, including discounts, promotions, and other offers. See section 6 for more information 

    Other rewards and benefits 

    You may also be eligible for other benefits from time to time like birthday gifts, special discounts, gifts or experiences. 



    4.1. Strand+ runs over two spend periods (Spend Periods) per year, being: 

    (a)1 January - 30 June; and 

    (b)1 July - 31 December. 

    4.2. If you spend $50 or more on product purchases (excluding gift vouchers) in our stores or on our website during a Spend Period, you will qualify for a Strand+ Voucher (Loyalty Voucher). 

    4.3. The value of a Strand+ Voucher is calculated based on how much you have spent during the spend period up to a maximum spend of $3000. 

    (a)  $10 for the first $50 spend, 

    (b)  For every additional $50 spend, an additional $5 

    (c) Voucher amounts will be issued in the relevant currency of the membership (i.e., Australian customers will be issued vouchers in $AUD, New Zealand Customers will be issued vouchers in $NZD). 

    Your Strand+ spend balance is net of returns and refunds and excludes delivery charges, and rewards are capped at a maximum of $300 (spend of $3,000 per Spend Period). 

    4.4. We will issue Members with Loyalty Vouchersafter the end of the applicable Spend Period, with the date of issue during a certain period determined by us. Loyalty vouchers will be distributed via email, and it is your responsibility to ensure that your email address is up to date. 

    4.5. If you purchase goods online or through a customer order in store, the purchase will fall into the Spend Period when the order is shipped or picked up in store, not in the Spend Period when the order was placed. 

    4.6. If you receive a refund on a purchase made during a Spend Period, an adjustment will be made to your spend balance for the amount refunded. 


    5.1. Subject to paragraph 5.2, you may redeem your Strand+ Voucher: 

    (a) for the purchase of any full priced product in store or on our website,the expiry date will be advised on the voucher; 

    (b) in any Strand store, excluding Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) stores, as noted in Clause 5.2 (c) below. 

    5.2. You may not redeem your Strand+ Loyalty Voucher: 

    (a) after the expiry date reflected on the Loyalty Voucher; 

    (b) in conjunction with any other offer or promotional voucher, unless specified otherwise; 

    (c) at any Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) store; 

    (d) on the purchase of gift vouchers; 

    (e) on the purchase of clearance or sale items. 

    5.3. Your Loyalty Voucher must be redeemed in full in a single transaction and no cash or credit will be issued for the balance of your Loyalty Voucher if you have not redeemed it in full. 

    5.4. You can only redeem one Loyalty Voucher per transaction. 

    5.5. If you return a purchase that was made using a Loyalty Voucher, your Loyalty Voucher will be re-instated with the same expiry date as the original Loyalty Voucher. If that original Loyalty Voucher has already expired, you will be issued with a credit note which may be redeemed against a future purchase within 30 days from the date of issue. 

    5.6. Loyalty Vouchers are applied at a line-item level, weighted by item value. If you partially return a purchase that was made using a Loyalty Voucher, you will be issued with a reinstated voucher related to the value of the returned item(s). This may be redeemed against a future purchase within 30 days from the date of issue. 

    5.7. Your Loyalty Voucher is for your exclusive use only and is non-transferrable. Its value will not be replaced if it is stolen, lost or not received. 


    6.1 Unless you have opted out, you agree to us communicating with you via various channels and media (including email, SMS, phone, mail, app notifications and by advertising on certain websites and social media). We call these messages Member Communications.  

    6.2 You agree that you can opt out of receiving different types of Member Communications by following the instructions below: 


    Member Communication 

    How to unsubscribe 

    Marketing emails 

    Clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of those emails 

    Product review emails 

    Clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of those emails 


    Text “STOP” or clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of an SMS communication we send to you 


    6.3 If you opt out of one type of Member Communication, you'll still receive other types. For instance, if you unsubscribe from product review emails, you'll still get marketing emails, SMS messages, and postal communications unless you specifically opt out of those separately. 

    6.4 As a Member, you agree that we can send certain essential messages, known as Transactional Messages, at all times. These messages include important updates about your membership, such as points allocations, expiration reminders, welcome emails, or warnings about termination or suspension. Transactional Messages won't include an unsubscribe option. If you prefer not to receive these messages, you can cancel your membership 


    7.1. If you would like to terminate your membership you can do this by either: 

    (a) notifying Customer Service by email at; 

    (b) notifying Customer Service by phone on +61 2 9479 7777 in Australia or 0800 446 110 in New Zealand; 

    7.2. We are entitled, at any time without notice and in our absolute discretion to suspend, change or terminate the Strand Loyalty Program including all or any Terms and Conditions. 

    7.3. We are entitled at any time and for any reason to terminate a person’s Membership with immediate effect by notice to that person. 

    7.4. We are not liable for any loss or damage as a result of any suspension, variation or termination of Membership in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. 

    7.5. If your Membership terminates during a Spend Period, you will still be issued a Loyalty Voucher for any accrued benefits earned before termination, as detailed in Clause 4.4 above, and will be able to redeem your Loyalty Voucher in the normal course. If, for any reason, you do not wish to receive a Loyalty Voucher, please notify Customer Service by email at or Customer Service by phone on +61 2 9479 7777 in Australia or 0800 446 110 in New Zealand. 

    You may access and update your personal information at any time by visiting the Strand Loyalty Program section of our website at and logging into your Account Management page; or by emailing Strand Customer Service at or by calling Strand Customer Service on +61 2 9479 7777 in Australia or 0800 446 110 in New Zealand.